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How I Changed My Postpartum Healing The Second Time!


“If I were asked to define motherhood. I would define it as Love in it’s purest form. Unconditional Love” ~Revathi Sankaran

This postpartum has been so drastically different then it was the first time! (I have an almost 3 year old son).

I made some conscious decisions to make things different this time around! I knew I needed to ask for more help, a postpartum doula* was hands down the best money we ever spent and I needed to shift my mindset and actually see all the amazing, adorable things this tiny human which we created will learn.

I had the knowledge to make better decisions when it came to what I wanted my birth to look like... I knew having our second baby in a hospital was not what felt good to me. I educated myself so much that my midwife actually said “I have never had a patient ask so many questions before. I know how bad you want to have your baby at home”. It was not because there was a pandemic going on, I made that decision shortly after I found out I was pregnant. Having a baby during a pandemic made me want to have a home birth even more so though!

What I’m trying to say is do what feels right for you even if that was ONE story you heard from a podcast, book or person that resonated with you. Even if it sounds crazy and you don’t know anything about it. Ask questions, research it yourself or listen to an expert that might know more about that ONE thing than you do! (Podcasts are my jam) All you need is that ONE story for you to realize it WILL be possible!

*my postpartum doula supported me with birth work, delicious whole food MEALS, massages, someone in the birth space to ask more questions, someone to relate too (she had 9 home birth babies of her own), beautiful natural healing options and she was so holistic and natural which aligned beautifully with my vision!

What was some AWESOME advice you hear while pregnant or after baby was born? 

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