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Welcome Mama, I'm Chels-

Holistic Health, Mindset + Motherhood Coach

I help stressed out mamas bring ease + flow into motherhood and show them how to find their purpose in life!



Do you feel completely lost as to who you are?

You have no idea what you want or desire in life? 


Are you ready to take full control of your thoughts, parent your kids from a better place and have the life you have always dreamed about?


Imagine if motherhood felt joyful, your mornings went smooth and everything felt calm with ease + flow!?

What if I told you this was all possible AND you could have everything you desired in life and feel incredible in your body in the process too!?


If you asked me 5 years ago if I would be Coaching mama’s with Health, Mindset and Motherhood, I would have told you, you were crazy!!


When you change your own life and know anything is possible from that, then you know you can’t keep this to yourself. You have to help other mama’s change their lives too!

Here's my free workshop on how to
Master Your Mindset as a Mama!

Before doing this work I was a super stressed, frazzled mama once too, where nothing felt like it would go right and the mornings were a sh** show. Then, when I realized that I was in control of my thoughts, feelings + actions and nobody could make me feel anything I started feeling different too and serving my kids and my family from a much better place.


This program is all about redefining motherhood, the beliefs that come up and how to shift them. I'm not here to say this will make every situation perfect because that's not realistic. This program gives you the tools needed to respond to each situation as they come from a much more aware place.


We’ll go into all that you can do to make it the best it can be. I will be guiding you through this beautiful course to create the life you want and have always thought motherhood would be like. When your mindset is on point you can serve your kids/babies from a better place. 


Mindset includes everything from what you eat, how you think, what you think about, how you take care of yourself and natural health (only consuming/ using natural options). We know when we as moms are in the best place, we can serve our kids from a better place. We are not given a handbook on how to raise incredible humans, and we can either do it really well or really terrible. You get to choose. Parenting is not easy but it can be simple, we put more pressure on ourselves which makes it harder so we keep telling ourselves it's hard and then we live in this vicious circle. Ultimately our kids feed off us, they do what we do, say what we say and act like we act. If you want them to do something different it's going to start with you changing your paradigms first, which are causing your behaviour and actions.

Mastering Motherhood


What is included:

  • 28 Day Gratitude Challenge

  • Mindset Workbook

  • 2% Study Club- Daily Study Group

  • Daily Accountability Group- Whatsapp

  • Weekly Zoom Call Check-Ins with Other Mama’s- (30 mins)

  • 4 Clarity Calls to Align What You're Learning- (30mins)

  • Nutrition Guide- 6 Meal Plans with Recipes

  • Essential Oil Kit Catered to You + Your Families Needs

  • Welcome Pack from Me


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Jo Dee, Ontario

"Chels is a natural at teaching this material. These principals aren't easy to add into your life but she has been helped me understand what they mean so I can use them everyday. I am so grateful for her persistence."

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